Hey! I’m Henrique Diogo Silva and I’m currently a researcher at INESC TEC and a Digital Media Ph.D. candidate at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.
Get in touch with me through email. Or find other contacts here!
Research Interests
My research and ongoing Ph.D. work are leveraging Digital Platforms and Digital Twin technologies to disrupt the industrial sector.
In the past years, I’ve been a part of several international R&D industrial projects funded by H2020 and EIT Manufacturing programs to design, implement, and validate platforms and other information systems for several sectors/industries: machinery, manufacturing, and textile.
At my current project, the Transformer 4.0 project, I’m supporting the development of a novel digital-twin-based platform concept to allow for a disruptive approach to the manufacturing and servicing of power transformers.
I’m fascinated with technology but can’t seem to let go of the fact that intelligent, flawed, and opinionated humans have to use it.
Publications & Other Writing
In esrever chronological order:
- Canvas as Tools for Digital Platform Design: Analysis, Comparison and Evolution
- A Boundary Crossing Perspective on Digital Industrial Platform Evolution
- The Design of Digital Platform Ecosystem Supporting Circular Economy
- A Twin enabled Digital Industrial Platform
- 2023 MIT Portugal Annual Conference Poster
- View Online <> PDF Version
- Knowledge-Based Engineering Design Supported by a Digital Twin Platform
- A Digital Twin Platform-Based Approach to Product Lifecycle Management: Towards a Transformer 4.0
- Digital Platforms as Enablers of Smart Product-Service Systems
- A Vision for a Platform-based Digital-Twin Ecosystem
- From Digital Platforms to Ecosystems: A Review of Horizon 2020 Platform Projects
- A Digital Platform Architecture to Support Multi-Dimensional Surplus Capacity Sharing
- An Ontology Based Semantic Data Model Supporting A MaaS Digital Platform
Projects & Grants
- Research Exchange at MIT
- Feb. 1st 2023 - May 31st 2023
- R&D @ USA Scholarship
- 4 month exchange at MIT’s Sociotechnical Systems Research Center (SSRC) to develope the sociotechnical aspects of digital industrial platform development.
- Selected R&D@USA for research internships in the USA
- Henrique Silva is one of the winners of FLAD’s R&D@USA scholarships
- Doutorando da FEUP vence bolsa de investigação da FLAD [PT]
- Transformer 4.0: Digital Revolution of Power Transformers
- 2020 - Ongoing
- “Introduce the digital transformation in power transformers where a DT, as virtual counterpart of the physical system will enable disruptive approaches for design and manufacturing”
- MIT Portugal flagship project
- Towards a Digital-Twin Based, Multi-sided Market of Data-enabled Product-Services Systems
- 2021 - Ongoing
- “Design and prototype a digital platform for a multi-sided market placing the Digital-Twin as the core architectural element for managing the data and information”
- PhD Grant, financed by the Portuguese national science foundation
- M-NEST: Network for Empowering People in Added-Value Manufacturing Systems and Technologies
- 2020
- “Deliver innovative courses enabling the financial exploitation of educational assets, such as learning nuggets and Training and Learning Factories”
- EIT Manufacturing project
- MANU-SQUARE: MANUfacturing ecoSystem of QUAlified Resources Exchange
- 2018 - 2021
- “Creates a European platform-enabled ecosystem acting as a virtual marketplace, bringing available manufacturing capacity closer to production demand (…)”
- H2020 RIA project <> DOI: 10.3030/761145
- 3GEnergy
- 2017 - 2018
- “(…) development of a highly innovative global energy efficiency management platform, targeting medium and large facilities in both the industry and service sectors.”
- National project
Conferences & Other Activities
- MIT Portugal 2023 Annual Conference Panel speaker: Transformer 4.0: Digital Revolution of Power Transformers
- Guest Lecture @ MIT: Digital Industrial Platforms as Infrastructure for Interorganizational Ecosystems
- 2023 class of System Design and Management
- Hackathon Mentor: U.Porto 2022 Hackathon in “Digital Media and Health Communication and Literacy
- Final solution: Começa Agora
- Hackathon Mentor: EMERGENCE @ U.Porto 2022 Hackathon - Dital Media Science Communication Hackathon
- EMERGENCE @ U.Porto 2022
- Final solution: TripaAdvisor
- Panel chair: PRO-VE 2021 - 22nd IFIP / SOCOLNET Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises
- Socio-technical Perspectives on Smart Product-Service Systems <> Session Description
- Hackathon Mentor: EMERGENCE@Açores 2021 Hackathon - Dital Media Science Communication Hackathon
- EMERGENCE @ Açores 2021
- Final solution: Aguenta-te Aí
- Organization Committee: DMDS 2021/22 - Digital Media Doctoral Symposium && Reboot Fest 2021 - New Media and Digital Art Festival
- Hackathon Researcher Lead: Hackathon Douro & Porto 2021
- Hackathon Douro & Porto 2021
- Final solution: SOS Vitis (Portuguese Only)
- Organization Committee: DMDS 2021 - Digital Media Doctoral Symposium
- Hackathon Participation: [email protected] 2021 Hackathon - Dital Media Science Communication Hackathon
- [email protected] 2021
- Final solution: SnapChem
- Doctoral Program in Digital Media Accompanying Committee