SnapChem - [email protected] 2021 Hackathon Project

Scientific Concept
The reaction of metals with water is a relevant experiment because it allows us to demonstrate the reactivity of metals. Alkali metals such as potassium (K), sodium (Na) and lithium (Li) react vigorously with water (H2O), forming metal hydroxides and hydrogen, with the release of heat (exothermic reaction). While potassium generates a very explosive reaction with a violet flame, the reaction of Li with water is slow, and lithium floats slowly on the surface of the water until it disappears. This shows that potassium is more reactive than lithium, i.e. it has greater electropositivity and therefore a greater tendency to lose electrons.
Science Communication Project
As Roger Kornberg, winner of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, says, “People resist the idea, but life is all about chemistry. In the age of social networks, Snapchat becomes a chemistry lab. Smartphones and virtual environments intersect to create moments of fun and learning in the interactive installation SnapChem, which aims to lead the younger generations to experience chemistry in a fun and educational way. Aimed at middle and high school students, SnapChem allows them to view filters to learn about chemistry. No one will be able to resist the idea that chemistry can also be fun.
The Team
- André Rocha (Mentor)
- Henrique Diogo Silva
- Raquel Rocha
- Ricardo Fernandes Braga