Começa Agora - U.Porto 2022 Hackathon in “Digital Media and Health Communication and Literacy Project

Scientific Concept
This innovative project is a partnership between USF Lagoa and EUGLOH and its mission is to intervene preventively in the treatment of obesity. Its aim is for users to be able to make autonomous decisions in their daily lives about health care while maintaining and/or improving their quality of life.
This platform allows users to take responsibility for their own choices while strengthening the doctor-user relationship.
Science Communication Project
The platform helps fight obesity by creating healthy lifestyle habits based on 3 indicators: healthy eating, physical exercise and sleep hygiene.
To do this, users have access to simple sets of activities that can easily be applied to their day-to-day life, developed with your health and well-being in mind. These activities were initially developed by our team of GP’s and fit a wide range of users.
Some examples of these activities are:
- Don’t add sugar to your drinks today;
- Go to bed at the same time everyday for a week;
- Drink 1,5 liter of water every day for a week.

By accomplishing and keeping track of these activities users can not only see their progress in real time, but also allow their GP’s to have access to this data to better help them to detect anomalies in their health.
When accessing the platform users can track their mood, getting personalized messages accordingly, and track their progress in three categories:
- Sleep hygiene;
- Physical activity;
- Nutrition.

Users can also create and join groups activities too keep motivation going!

GP’s have special acess to the platform, having the hability to create activities, add users and view user’s profiles.

The Team
- Carinha Cunha
- Henrique Diogo Silva
- Leonor
- Mariana Gama Rocha
- Mariana Oliveira
- Raquel Reis Lima